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Bob Boyce Dry Cells

It is possible to produce large volumes of hydroxy gas from a DC hydrogen generator; enough gas to run a small motor directly on it. In order to do so, we need to pay attention to the efficiency factors. Bob Boyce is said to be outstanding in this field. His attention to detail when constructing high-performance electrolyzers has been said to result in efficiencies which are more than double those of the very famous Michael Faraday, whom most scientists consider to be the final word on electrolysis.

The cells Bob builds are not cheap. They are large, heavy, and require a considerable skill to make. He uses 316L stainless steel electrode plates that also act as cell partitions. This is a standard procedure today. This technique takes a very high level of construction accuracy to make a box with slots in the side and base, so that the stainless steel plates can be slid into the box and once there, form a watertight seal between the cells, preventing electrical current from jumping across the water - to the next adjacent plate. That would bypassing the plates surface. We need to current to flowing around each plate so it can energize the surface of the plate, then cross the water. The better we do this, the more efficient the cell becomes.

The number of cells needed in the electrolyzer depends on the electrical DC voltage supply that is produced on board the vehicle. If higher voltage has to be created, using a standard off-the-shelf inverter will  produces high voltage alternating current, AC (meant to be the equivalent of the local electric mains supply). In the USA, the voltage produced is in the 110 to 120 volt region, elsewhere, it is in the 220 to 230 volt region.

The AC output from what-ever inverter you buy, needs to be changed back into DC. This can be accomplished by using a component called a "diode bridge rectifier", and a device called a capacitor. The resulting DC voltage is 41% greater than the quoted AC voltage, so a 110 volt inverter will produce about 155 volts and a 220 volt inverter about 310 volts. Bob uses about 2 volts per cell. The number of cells would be about 60 to 150 depending on which inverter is used. This large number of stainless steel plates, each sized at six-inches square, creates a substantial weight which then is increased by the weight of the case, and the electrolyte water. This is still brute force electrolysis. The following diagram is of Bob's basic set up (less the capacitor he mentions).


Bob is also said to have been able to produce large volumes of HHO gas - using special electrical circuits he designed. High voltage and Frequency Harmonics are used to break the bonds of water into hydrogen and oxygen. This work is referenced to being twice efficient as Faraday's. The special circuits use 3 frequencies output through a toroidal coil. People around the world are being encouraged to build this power source from plans made available by Bob. A few individuals make the circuit for you, but, you must make the toroid yourself - that is to say - you must wind it yourself.

Does this method actually work? Well Bob says it does. Is there any video proof? I certainly have not been able to find any in the last 7 years of research. Bob talks the talk - but does not demonstrate the walk when it comes to this circuit. How come? I imagine multitudes of individuals have tried to duplicate his plans by now. To my knowledge, not one of them has come forward claiming success - with video proof. Hello --- Is anyone out there?

In the videos that follow, Bob talks about the circuit, and the toroidal coil. He even handles them. He has a lot to say about them; but nothing to demonstrate. Hmmmmmmm !













Bob Boyce InterviewChris Patton talks shop with Bob Boyce about Electrolysis and Hydroxy production.







Page Last Edited - 04/03/2022


    Copyright © 2003   All rights reserved.   Revised: 04/03/22.                                             Web Author, David Biggs
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